Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Is it God or the Devil in the Details?

For years I’ve talked about an old client that reinvigorated their business by giving their electricians hand-held vacuum cleaners. The idea was simple: when you’re done with the job, clean up after yourself.

Clients called in thanking them not for getting the electrical done right–that was expected–but for not leaving a mess. It is a simple but powerful illustration of how little things make a big difference.

I finally got the shades installed in our new offices. A few are crooked and we’re asking the vendor to come back and straighten them out.

The crazy maker? Metal shavings and debris everywhere. I spent 20 minutes cleaning up after the installers.

So I’m not going to be calling the provider with any positive feedback or to express my appreciation. I’m just going to remember how important it is to pay attention to the details.

Don’t just do what is expected. Do the little extras that make the customer or client remember you in a positive way.